EL Quantum Physics

EL vs Conventional Version of Quantum Physics

In the conventional version, light is broken down into three components: visible, ultraviolet and infrared. It travels at a speed of 186,000 mps. Light is seen as a wave-particle duality. It means that light propagates through space like a wave but its energy is deposited at a point.  We can readily perceive and measure the components of light by using appropriate equipment.

In the EL version, light and all other phenomena are the result of the intelligently-driven action of two primal fields: Direct Light Field and Cosmic Field. Light, in its three components, is produced by a combination of DLF and CF-driven Eternal Light Particles (elps). The two fields and elps constitute the building blocks of all biological, organic and inorganic forms and matter in the universe, from the sub atomic to the star systems.

The difference between conventional and EL physics can be illustrated by comparing the simple Ohm’s law from the two perspectives. The equation that mathematically defines this law is V = IR, and states that energy is created by the movement of a current (electrons) over a resistor. But in EL physics, the motion of elps over a resistor are intelligently programmed to produce results such as light or heat. Science has charted the effects, placing them in a specific mathematical context, but does not accept a primal, intelligent cause.

Motion of Eternal Light Particles (ELPs)

The motion of the Eternal Light Particles (elps) changes extremely rapidly from positive to negative polarity. This has given the impression that there are negative, neutral and positive particles within the atomic nucleus. According to conventional physics, there are twelve elementary particles: 6 quarks, 3 electrons, and 3 neutrinos. Quantum particles are divided into two classes: fermions with a spin multiple of ½, and bosons with a spin multiple of 1.

In the EL version, there exists only one, single sub-atomic particle, the polarity changing elp. This particle cannot be measured by the conventional equipment in use today. The physical characteristics of light and other radiation are the products of elp polarity sequencing. The elp is indestructible and irreducible. Through the DLF/CF fields it transforms energy to mass and back to energy in a never-ending continuum. All the known physical fields including gravity, and electromagnetism result from the DLF and CF fields. They trigger the motion of elps, which are intelligently programmed to create an infinite variety of micro and macro forms.

CF provides stability to the atomic structure. The combined fields produce the intended results such as the movement of current in a wire or the atoms, molecules, and cellular structures for all animate and inanimate existence.

Cooperation Instead of Conflict

Physicists have developed persuasive theories on quantum mechanics and how the different particles collide, interact and affect each other. However, there is no measuring device capable of directly seeing sub-atomic particles. Detection is based on spotting their signature lines and interactions. This led to certain assumptions on sub-atomic infrastructures, which were supported by impressive mathematical formulas.

The historical dichotomy between physics and metaphysics continues to deteriorate. The latter is accused of being purveyors of easily discredited, far-fetched theories, superstitions and unsupported beliefs. But instead of battling with each other the two sides should learn to cooperate.  Some of the most recent quantum theories, such as particle entanglement and string theory, border on the metaphysical. In string theory particles are considered to be tiny vibrating loops of one-dimensional string whose vibrations determine the particles mass and charge. This is close to the EL description of super-rapid particle polarity motion.

There is no doubt that very impressive scientific discoveries were made over the centuries, and culminated in an explosion of practical breakthroughs in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.  The accumulated benefits to mankind provided a better means for survival and the pursuit of happiness. On the negative side, it also brought about unhindered over-exploitation of the planet and drastic climate change. Also, quantum physics led to the development of nuclear weapons of mass destruction that threaten the extinction of all life.

Quantum physics and its applications need to be guided by morally sound objectives. All laws of physics are underpinned by the intelligence of Eternal Light whose essence is love.

The Key Distinction

There is a basic agreement that everything in the entire universe is composed of quantum particles. They initiate the chain of reactions that produces the entire gamut of organic and inorganic physical forms and systems. What does it matter then whether we call these prime building blocks quarks and electrons or elps?

There is a fundamental difference between the two. Scientists have defined and charted the laws of nature. But if there are laws, then must we not also conclude that there is an intelligent lawmaker? In the EL version, the movement of quantum particles result from the interaction of two primal fields that are set in motion to fulfill an intelligent plan. Eternal Light is an inherent part of the two fields.  This version sides with an intelligent final cause that underpins all reality.

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