About Me

I started experimenting with pendulum communication many years ago. It all began with a premise that in a world of wireless communication it is perhaps possible for a dialogue with higher intelligence to take place through some medium . The huge body of work on paranormal and mystical experiences were a source of influence, and brought a certain recognition that it was possible to reach beyond the realms of established thought.
I made my first foray into this paranormal communication at a fairly early age, and was fascinated by such mediums as: the Ouija board, astrology and other forms of divination and communication. It was obvious to me that there was enough kernels of truth among the many inaccuracies that merited serious consideration as to where this is all coming from, and how we can establish a clearer communication pathway.
I personally approached the pendulum communication with no gain in mind only to develop a clear, intelligent and consistent dialogue, and see where that would take me. I learned to initiate the dialogue through the pendulum with questions that were developed during meditation. While meditating, I would ultimately see a sharp, clear light, which indicated that I was now ready to ask questions and get clear answers.
The revelations from this interactive communication covered a wide spectrum of topics. The answers were sometimes unconventional, but always intelligent and followed a certain logic. After accumulating a body of interesting content, I thought it worthwhile to share them with a broader audience. This resulted in the publishing of a book (Cogent Eternal Light Federation-Beyond Meditation) available on Amazon.
The next step was to set up a website which now allows me to share new information on crossover meditation through my blog. I hope to establish an audience that will read my book and blog, share it with others and provide their own insights and feedback.