meditation crossover light

Fundamental Tenets of CELF

CELF stands for Cogent Eternal Light Federation. A federation denotes union and connectivity. Cogent means that the people that federate do so willingly and consciously. This can only happen if we go through the process of rating and analysis to arrive at our own truth. In the CELF lexicon this is referred to as RAL – Rated Analyzed Light. No amount of teaching or proselytizing by others can substitute for a thorough analysis of the information presented to us. We have to fully comprehend what that connection can mean to us and how it is achieved.

Eternal Light Is Intelligent Energy

Eternal Light is intelligent energy that manifests itself through two energy fields, the Direct Light Field (DLF) and the Cosmic Field (CF). It is the final cause of all animate and inanimate existence in the universe. It is the primal force behind all creation. The universe did not develop by chance. There is an underlying plan and reason for its almost infinite forms. We have been too concentrated on the mechanistic aspect of the origins of the universe. The focus should be more on “why” than “how”. In the EL universe, which includes our own planet, the purpose of all creation is to express EL’s infinite love through cogent beings on planets that are scattered across the vast expanse of the universe. The tenets of a meaningful union with EL can be broken down as follows:

Union with Eternal Light

To unite ourselves to EL’s fundamental essence is to practice a love-driven morality at every societal level. This is the only way that true justice and equality can be achieved. Throughout history we have experimented with different socio-political structures to try and arrive at better social balances. We have seen and experienced the flaws of authoritarianism, monarchic despotism, socialism, communism, populism, and democracies. Good intentions are subverted by elites who inevitably take over and are eventually corrupted by the power and entitlements that it provides. While democracy has proven to be less corrupt than the others, we have seen how it can quickly deteriorate under ruthless, self-interested, populist leaders

We have the opportunity to regulate political excesses through the ballot box. At least in the democratic systems. However, a change of government does not necessarily bring any real transformations and inevitably regresses to some form of corruption. Real changes can only be achieved from the ground up through a peaceful, popular revolution. By understanding our connection to the love-driven essence of Eternal Light we can transform our societies into pillars of justice and equality. This requires a globally connected network of like-minded people.

Multi-Term Love-Driven Morality

Some people recognize that they have experienced multiple life terms. Many Eastern faiths have accepted this as fact for thousands of years. The modern scientific-based culture refuses to accept anything that cannot be empirically proven. But whether we accept the possibility of reincarnation or not we can arrive at a logical realization that leading a moral, love-driven life is beneficial. Whether practiced at the level of the nuclear family or as a whole nation it sets a fundamentally sound foundation on which to construct our constitutions, institutions and laws. In the CELF model, the level of union with EL and the degree of love-driven morality that we achieve is passed on from one life-term to another. This accumulates over time and defines the level of our spiritual evolution. It is the purpose and essence of human life and that of intelligent beings on other planets.

Awareness of Eternal Light

Eternal Light is present within us whether we are aware of it or not. In becoming conscious of that connection, we take the first step in achieving a meaningful union with Eternal Light. Meditation allows us to block the interferences and listen to the inner guidance of our EL connected inner brains. We can go from a passive to a proactive mode by achieving the ability to communicate through a medium like the pendulum. Not everyone will be able to this efficiently but many will, and they can provide guidance to others.

Understanding the Communication Flow

We are all equipped with both an inner and outer brain. The latter is an electrochemical, neurological network, which controls our physical and mental capacities. It also provides us with a self-reflecting capability that opens the door to self-analysis and introspection. The outer brain is connected to the inner brain, or energy cell, that can be accessed through meditation. If we do so willingly and consciously, then we gain access to the Eternal Light intelligence and uncover its full potential.

Benefits of Eternal Light Union

If we can guide our lives, enact laws and regulations through a love-driven prism it would logically lead to a more just and equitable planetary society. Being separated by national or tribal affiliations need not create impenetrable barriers. it would allow us to embrace our racial, gender, ethnic and religious diversity and act for the common good of all. We would then be more synchronized with the true purpose of our lives. Being united with Eternal Light means expressing a love-driven morality in all our thoughts and actions towards our fellow human beings and all creation.

We also have the potential to use Eternal Light to create a superior, more sustainable planetary model. We have witnessed what the greedy exploitation of the planet has done to our environment. We are trying desperately to find a way out of the mess that we created. Eternal Light, through its two energy fields can potentially offer solutions in the form of renewable and inexhaustible electric power. Covid-19 has demonstrated our vulnerabilities and deficiencies in the realm of medicine and pharmaceuticals. Through EL we can ostensibly explore a different path to healing and controlling pandemics. It is not just a question of finding the right vaccines or drugs to combat new viruses and their mutations. They may be a sign of our ever greater distancing from a moral path. Facing possible death, it becomes a shocking wake-up call to make us reflect on the true purpose and destiny of our lives.

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