reincarnation and immortality

How Our Past Lives Affect the Present

One of the tenets of Eternal Light is that human life is eternal and we are tested to evolve spiritually over multiple life terms. Using references from other belief systems, we continue to reincarnate until we reach some kind of advanced spiritual level, which ends the cycle of reincarnation. In the El interpretation of reincarnation there is no end to this cycle. Also, it is expanded to include possible reincarnations on other planets. Although our scientific knowledge has not advanced far enough to declare that intelligent life exists in other sectors of the universe, there is a strong probability that this is so. Intelligent beings, no matter where they exist in the universe, are EL’s expression of love.

   We are tested over many life terms to recognize our connection to EL and to practice an ever more evolved level of love-driven morality. This is a never-ending process that involves the encoded spiritual energy cell or inner brain to be either returned to its original or another host planet. Encoding means that the degree of love and EL connection achieved in past life terms are passed on to the next. Higher levels of evolved spirituality may be needed in less advanced planets to assist them in reaching a critical mass of evolved individuals. The universe is thus interconnected and balanced through a commonality of spiritual meaning and purpose.

Identifying Past Lives

   It appears that our past lives are a blank slate, which we are unable to decipher. Yet, there have been mystics like the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce who were able to construct believable references to many people’s past lives. He claimed to be able to channel this information from what he referred to as his higher self, which in some ways is similar to the inner brain. Cayce answered questions on such subjects as healing, past lives and predicted future events. Some of his theories and predictions, such as life on Atlantis, were later discredited by closer examination. However, the past lives that he was able to describe while in a trance state were sometimes remarkable in their detail. Our tools for examining such phenomena may not be as sophisticated as we are led to believe. We should approach all such claims with an open mind and recognize that there may be some truth therein.

   The first step in probing for traces of our past lives is to assume that it may be possible to achieve some success. Not through a blind leap of faith but by accepting that many mysteries are beyond the reach of science. After all, there are many belief systems where reincarnation is a fundamental part embraced by millions of its followers. Could they all be so very wrong in their beliefs? Perhaps their faith is based on the conclusion that there is an inherent purpose in our continuous cycles of return to an embodied state. Apart from consulting with clairvoyants, is there any other way to find out something about our past lives?

Recognizing the Signs

   If we assume that there is an essential purpose to life, which is to progress spiritually toward an ever-purer expression of love in all its derivatives, then our character traits will provide certain telltale signs. It is not important to know who we were historically during our past lives but how much spiritual credits we bring into the present term. The Internet’s search engines can lead us to certain sites that claim they can match us to celebrity historical personalities from the past. Sometimes these connections are made from vague facial resemblances. We can easily be duped because it appeals to our sense of importance to think that we may be the reincarnation of a Roman emperor or some famous statesman. Through sometimes convoluted arguments we can be conditioned to mistake fancy for fact. In as much as we are tested in different racial, gender, ethnic and social circumstances it would be difficult to arrive at accurate past life connections by matching them to facial or other bodily features.

   However, we can approach past life identification by using different lenses.  If we recognize that, in every embodiment, we are tested to overcome spiritual ignorance from our past lives then we can study our character traits and existing behavior patterns to arrive at certain conclusions. There is usually a dominant negative trait such as greed, pride, materialism, lust, anger, violence. An honest self examination will help us select what we have to work on in the present term to improve our spiritual wisdom. This is what really counts in the final analysis. Not who we were and what we accomplished in our past lives but what we bring into the present one from the standpoint of morality and conscious awareness of Eternal Light.

Taking a More Direct Path to Recognition

   Through crossover meditation and practice in using a medium of communication such as the pendulum, we can take a more direct path to understanding our past lives. We can ask questions and obtain intelligent responses that can be crosschecked to determine their integrity. It takes many years of dedication to reach proficiency in using a medium of communication. But we are rewarded by being able to obtain a more profound profile of our past lives that tie in to meaningful historical perspectives. However, ultimately it is not about the recognition achieved in previous lives. What is important is to be able to take an inventory of our spiritual evolvement in our past lives and define how we can improve on it. By this account, even the most seemingly insignificant lives may have higher spiritual value than those of the famous and renowned. Historical accounts focus on prominent former members of society who have succeeded in different fields of endeavor. It often neglects those individuals who have contributed in a small but important way to the understanding of human nature and its connection to Eternal Light.

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