life after death

Life After Death

According to a Pew Research, 72% of Americans believe in some form of life after death. In the Abrahamic tradition it is seen as a specific, transcendent place of existence. In the Indian religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism, continued existence is obtained by the actions of the individual in the embodied state. It is related to the individual’s moral tone or karma. Positive Karma is produced through loving, and compassionate actions. For ancient Egyptians, death was simply a temporary interruption. They believed that eternal life could be achieved through worshiping gods, and leading a sin-free life.

Transition from an Active to a Passive State

From the EL perspective, death is a transition from the embodied state to a passive one, which can be compared to a saved document in the hard drive of a computer. This document contains a record of the achieved spiritual wisdom of a person’s past lives. In this document only the essence of the previous lives is retained, pertaining to the degree of love-based morality gained and the closeness of union with Eternal Light accumulated during past lives. It also contains a broad, historical biography of the person. The latter is less important but can provide some insight of the time and place in order to place past terms in a context of known sociopolitical events.

Dying is a return to a passive, disembodied quantum of encoded energy. In that sense the essence of life is eternal. The full appreciation of this fact serves to lessen or even eliminate the fear of dying, thereby alleviating much of the emotional and related physical suffering associated with the event.

The Universal Computer

We are connected to Eternal Light in the embodied state through the inner brain (IB). Upon death, the spiritual wisdom of each individual is retained as a passive document in a “universal computer”.  There is no particular location for this computer. It is simply part of the energy field present in all reality. During each embodied term the IB is aware of the EL presence either consciously or subconsciously. Individuals are tested in each life term to align themselves more closely with Eternal Light and operate according to its love-driven tenets. However, free will and human emotions create barriers that need to be overcome. This is how we are tested during our embodied, active state.

Another way of looking at this is to see the inner brain as a micro-processor that is encoded with the acquired spiritual wisdom of our past lives. It is pure energy and does not decay over time. It is immersed in a physical body in which it operates, otherwise it remains in a passive state connected to EL. In its memory it retains the spiritual wisdom of all our past lives.

Energy Turned to Form

The reference to a set term denotes a period of time in which individuals are tested. From the vantage point of Eternal Light, the term is not time based. It is simply energy temporarily turned to form. In this state, there is no present, past, future except when connected to the time-space dimension of the embodied term, which is limited. Our inner brain is a quantum of EL and therefore eternal in nature. It is transported from one life term to another continuously testing us to develop a higher degree of love until we are fully synchronized with EL’s purpose for life.

The fact that we may not be consciously aware of our purpose does not imply that we are not guided to do so through our inner brain. It is continuously prodding us in some form or other, such as dreams, intuitions, and in our moments of sudden enlightenment during quiet meditations.

Realizing Our Full Potential

To be federated with EL is to realize our full potential. It helps us to fulfill the prime purpose of our lives, which is to build more wisdom and to overcome the prevalent spiritual ignorance of the time in which we are incarnated. Even without a conscious federation with EL, we often recognize negative character traits that require changing by seeing the harm that they cause to others. The whole purpose of our lives is to progressively overcome spiritual ignorance such as greed, arrogance, vanity, prejudice, and negative biases. Because our accumulated spiritual wisdom is transferred with each incarnation it helps us in the battle against this ignorance.

Unknown Expiry Date

The exact expiry date of our physical body is flexible. It depends on how much progress we are making to overcome our moral inconsistencies. However, sometimes the individual’s spiritual backwardness can be used to teach others of its negative consequences and provide incentives for improvement. It is important to have a long- term view of life and to measure it by the degree of love that we develop in each life term. Because we do not know the time of our demise, we cannot wait to the very end to realize the purpose of life. We must find the time in our busy schedules to take a regular spiritual inventory and to correct our deviations from the path of love-driven morality.

Attunement to Spiritual Growth Needs

To help the development of more spiritual wisdom in a given term, EL selects a widely varied content across the entire population. It is attuned to the particular term’s growth needs. This wisdom may come not only from the place in which the individual was tested in previous incarnations but also from other places in the universe. The basic EL tenets apply to the entire universe so that transfers of spiritual wisdom from more advanced places can boost backward planets. This creates additional momentum to overturn both individual and societal deficiencies.

Reunion with Family Members

In order to help us evolve spiritually we are often reunited with family members from our past lives. It exposes us to their love right from the moment of birth. We are as yet unable to recognize past life connections with different members of our family but we have the potential to eventually do so. The natural love bond between the infant and mother is undeniable and alludes to some form of predisposition for love. We are thus assisted in recognizing that the real purpose of our lives is to express EL’s essential love in the embodied form. This form of inner guidance is provided throughout our lives and we are continuously tested to become more aware of it.

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