pendulum as medium

Love-Driven Morality

The encoded and accumulated spiritual wisdom from our past lives is transferred to the present embodied term.  One of the principal components of this wisdom is the degree of love-driven morality achieved in past lives. It activates our moral compass when we incarnate, which guides our character and personality. Our prime objective in each term is to reach a higher degree of love and a more profound understanding of our union with Eternal Light.

We Are the Expression of Eternal Light’s Love

Eternal Light is the intelligent component of the two energy fields that underpin all reality, whose actions are motivated by love for all creation. It is through cogent beings such as humans that EL expresses its love throughout the universe. Opposing this love is the prevailing spiritual ignorance that exists at a particular historic time. One of the main contributors to this ignorance are belief systems that breed fear, and promote their particular spiritual brand solely to sustain their power. They often lose track of morality or interpret it to suit their existential needs for survival. Fortunately, all of us are equipped with an inner brain, which is closely attuned to EL. It provides the potential to develop more wisdom on an individual and societal basis. We can access our inner brain through various channels that we are already familiar with. This includes vivid dreams, intuitions, and different forms of meditation. A more direct path, through interactive, crossover meditation, greatly enhances inner brain synchronization and connection to EL. Spiritual wisdom manifests itself as joy and delight, which are all products of love, empathy, compassion, caring and all the other derivatives of love. Spiritual ignorance gives birth to negative emotions such as fear, anger, envy, lust, avarice, and their offshoots.

Love Is the Greatest Wisdom

The greatest wisdom is love, which eventually radiates out to encompass all biological, organic and inorganic forms. The expression of love by cogent beings is the underlying purpose of all existence in the universe. Love is expressed through moral practice. When we, as individuals, descend into spiritual ignorance it affects society as a whole. We have to understand that the main purpose of our lives is to overcome our ignorance and develop more wisdom. This may require many lifetimes but we are all guided by our spiritual energy cell (inner brain) to progressively grow that wisdom. That is, if we allow and facilitate this guidance. Spiritual ignorance is often tantalizing and draws us into its embrace with promises of false short-term happiness in material wellbeing and possessions. We are tested to realize our true nature and the real purpose of our lives.

The Historical Progress of Love-Driven Morality

On a planetary basis there is a historically discernable progression towards more evolved and complex, love-driven emotions. This was eminently manifested over time as advances in moral practices. It allowed the formation of larger communities of our ancestors to organize themselves around agricultural activities during the neolithic age. This required the formation of moral laws and regulations that would create a foundation for justice and equality. What we have to recognize here is that morality is an essential part of human nature and is hard-wired in our spiritual DNA. The influence of the inner brain enabled humans to reach beyond the simple quest for food and shelter and seek a deeper understanding of their spirituality. In order to keep evolving in this direction, we need to explore, understand and manifest all the parameters of what we refer to as “love”.

The Extension of Morality to Other Species

All the other species on the planet are an intrinsic part of the elaborate, creative and profound Eternal Light canvas. They have their own developed sentient love. Because we are equipped with a more powerful brain there is a responsibility on our part to live in harmony with all life forms.  It is our moral obligation to protect them from exploitation, understand their needs, and to secure a safe environment for them to thrive. Unfortunately, we have failed in this for the sake of short-term materialistic gains. But there are new efforts by scientists to explore the true nature of animals and to understand them better. As an example, we have clear evidence that elephants and dolphins possess a high degree of intelligence and emotional range. They demonstrate this through an evolved sentient love, which is focused on their family and kin. All biological beings are connected to Eternal Light’s love and are capable of expressing it in some way or form.

The Future of Love-Driven Morality

In a future time with a more evolved spiritual wisdom there will continue to be individual differences in skills, talents and intelligence required to operate an ever more complex social, economic, and technologically advanced world. The principal difference, from the EL perspective, is that all this should be subjected to a love-based morality test, which results in justice and equality for all. In a future world with a critical mass of evolved spiritual wisdom all human development and activity will be primarily motivated to achieve a higher degree of love-driven morality.

Some Signs of Progress

The physical brain is heavily influenced by different emotions. This often interferes with synchronization to the inner brain. Proper meditation can calm the emotionally driven brain and facilitate a greater affiliation over time, resulting in a more love-driven individual who fulfills the real purpose of their life. We may view the physical body as an imperfect conduit of love as seen through the often bloody and violent historical perspective on both the individual and collective levels. But every new term opens opportunities to transform both individual and societal ignorance into more love-driven wisdom. Witness the late twentieth century success of the feminist movement, and the subsequent rise of more gender equality; the confluence of previously warring nations into peaceful unions dedicated to cooperation and mutual respect – as witnessed in Europe; and the concerted move to sustainable living that respects the coexistence of all species.

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