beyond meditation

My Pendulum Experience

Different Phases of Pendulum Communication

In order to achieve meaningful pendulum communication may depend on the carry-over of ability from past life-terms. There is also the possibility of distortion, which can lead an unpracticed person into strange directions. The intention of this article is to provide sufficient information on the use of the pendulum, as a medium, through which we can gain insight into the purpose of life and our connection to universal intelligence (UI) or Eternal Light (EL). Also, to move away from the superstitions, myths, miracles and magic of past belief systems and into the realm of a “new science”. For those few individuals who may be tempted to establish a pendulum communication, my personal experience offers some valuable grounding.

The Investment of Time

I have invested many years in developing an intelligent communication process through the pendulum. Not many people will have the time or patience to undertake such a long journey. Sharing my information on the research, development and revelations in getting to proficient communication is meant to guide others in overcoming some of the conundrums involving pendulum interaction.

Be aware that there is nothing stopping you from leading a totally normal life in the pursuit of this form of communication. After all, we are tested in this life to bring spiritual wisdom to our daily interaction with family, friends, co-workers and perfect strangers. Seclusion and isolation is contrary to the purpose of life.

The frequency and time involved in pendulum interactivity depends on one’s existing workload and responsibilities to loved ones and the community. Involvement leads to a more love-driven rapport with others. At a higher degree of UI-EL federation, we may become able to help others directly: through healing and receiving input on specific problems and issues.

Seven Pendulum Communication Phases

The pendulum communication phases that I experienced can be broken down into seven, distinctly separate experiences:

  • Naive first attempts – probing for intelligent feedback.
  • The introduction of archetypes from myths and biblical testaments, which invoked some fear.
  • Analysis of my life’s spiritual ignorance.
  • References to earth and other planets as intelligent entities.
  • Guidance on reaching greater effectiveness in meditation.
  • Comprehending the essence and pathway of our connection and union with Eternal Light.
  • Introduction to the new physics associated with Eternal Light intelligence and its associated energy fields. A promise that proof will be provided of a higher, transcendent UI/EL connection supporting the revelations – with a specific action plan for the future. It ostensibly involves the direct use of the EL energy fields. This is the part that is still a work-in-process for me, but I have already achieved some results on a personal scale.

Questions, Answers, and Revelations

At first, there emerged a rather vague definition of a spiritual guide, which fell in line with my then grasp of things gleaned from esoteric books. Although I regularly practiced a type of transcendental meditation, initially no preparation of any kind was made before asking questions and receiving pendulum-driven answers. The communication was diverted towards obtaining not only answers to general questions but actually getting some manifestation that the connection to the “spiritual guide” will lead to tangible results. At first, this was the principal motivation to keep the communication going. I received a confirmation that direct results are indeed possible. But for a long time, nothing ever materialized, and frustration with the process developed – driving me to a temporary withdrawal and re-evaluation.

What prompted a continuing return to the pendulum practice was the fascination with the inherent intelligence of the communicated information. Although it was, at times, seemingly bizarre and sometimes contradictory, there was always some kernel of truth, which captivated me.

At the same time, there was much skepticism as to where all this would lead. I decided to stop seeking tangible proof, and moved towards exploring the purpose and destiny of human life. There was a constant concern about where to take this whole experiment, and whether it was worthwhile to do so. But throughout the many years of pendulum dialogue there was always some inner prompting to return and seek more answers to life’s larger questions.

This groping for answers at first turned to a new theme that dealt with a somewhat Jungian preoccupation with archetypes such as serpents, seraphs, angels, Satan, and various forms of “spiritual guides”. Although, at times fascinated by this turn there was a certain amount of trepidation as to where this was now headed. From various accounts in fiction and stories of actual personal experiences there was some reluctance to proceed further when awkward topics were broached. Interspersed with these archetypal themes the focus turned towards a variety of spiritual topics.

There was a concerted effort to try and squeeze the pendulum information into my acquired conventional knowledge. Nevertheless, I experienced some very interesting insights and accepted new, unconventional concepts. Because of time constrains, due to a busy work schedule and family needs, the pendulum practice was sporadic. Sometimes weeks would go by without any interaction.

This affected the clarity and flow of information, making it difficult to follow at times. But then, during one session, there came a very clear, almost orated message, dealing with materialism, morality, and love. The clarity and quality of the revelations were genuinely staggering. Furthermore, over several more sessions, it was then applied in a very personal way that was undoubtedly accurate and forced me to reflect on a possible past life. Also, it provided an opportunity for a meaningful catharsis and became one of the turning points in taking the pendulum experience more seriously. This orated message was subsequently defined as my present life’s spiritual shortcomings.

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