path to Eternal Light

Path to Eternal Light

Humans from the very beginning of time have been preoccupied with the search for some kind of all-powerful transcendent being. Ancient philosophers argued that there must be a final cause underpinning our reality. The powerful forces of nature such as the sun, moon and stars were obvious candidates. They represented forces beyond our control and had enormous influence over our daily lives and destinies. Worshipping these powerful forces to appease them and earn their support formed the basis of many ancient religious practices.

This search moved from pantheism and animism with multiple deities to monotheistic belief in a single deity embodied in the Abrahamic religions.

This supreme being had various names and attributes, but in most cases was given an anthropologically-influenced description. This was usually that of a heavenly king who was the creator of all existence. We were his subjects and were required to abide by certain laws and practices that were passed on to us on by his representatives on earth. There was no particular location for this kingdom but it was definitely not of this world. The rewards of achieving a state that entitled us to participate in this kingdom after death were clearly spelled out. Leading highly moral and ethical lives, worshipping in some prescribed form, and making whatever sacrifices were necessary to achieve the required state of grace that provided a path to the afterlife. Those that did not follow the rules were judged unworthy and relegated to some form of eternal punishment.

Eastern belief systems had a different foundation with a focus on karma and reincarnation. Depending on the moral value of the life that you led, you either reincarnated to a higher or lower state. This cycle continues until you reach a state of perfection at which point you can return as a spiritual guide or avatar.

The EL Difference

Through repeated tested and retested life terms the objective is to develop more spiritual wisdom. We can accelerate this process by allowing the inner brain to gain prominence over the outer (physical) brain through appropriate crossover meditation that ultimately produces synchronization between the two. We are connected to Eternal Light through the inner brain whether we are consciously aware of it or not. The process can be advanced during a lifetime through a conscious acceptance of our connection. This then leads to the possibility of direct communication and guidance, which follows the EL → IB → OB path.

Spiritual ignorance

Spiritual ignorance is defined as a lack of understanding of the connection to EL and its love-driven essence. It is through cogent beings, such as humans, that EL expresses this love throughout the universe. Our love-driven fundamental nature is often undermined by dominant but ignorant belief systems that breed fear, and enforce loyalty and dependence by whatever means necessary to sustain the power of their elites. Spiritual ignorance is experienced as fear, anger, envy, lust, avarice, and their many offshoots.

Spiritual Wisdom

We are equipped with an inner brain, which is permanently attuned to EL. It provides the potential for an ever-greater breakthrough that eventually leads to the development of more spiritual wisdom on an individual and societal basis. We can access our inner brain through various channels such as dreams, intuitions, and meditation. A more direct path, through crossover meditation, can lead to intelligent dialogue with EL. Spiritual wisdom manifests itself as joy and delight, which are all products of love, empathy, compassion, caring and all its other derivatives.

The greatest spiritual wisdom of all is love, and the achievement of ever higher degrees of love, which eventually radiates out to encompass all biological, organic and inorganic forms. This expression of love is the underlying purpose of all existence in the universe. Love is expressed through moral practice. When entering into a new term (rebirth) we are confronted with the existing level of morality of the era. The level of our own spiritual wisdom influences the society that we come in contact with. The main purpose of each individual life is to overcome ignorance and develop more wisdom. This may require many lifetimes but we are all guided to progressively evolve towards more wisdom.

A Direct Path to Eternal light

The inner brain is directly connected to EL in the embodied state. When we die our spiritual wisdom is retained as a passive document in the “universal computer”, which is part of the EL energy field. During each reincarnation, the inner brain is connected and fully aware of the EL presence. Throughout our life we are tested to align our physical outer brain with the inner brain. This provides a direct path to Eternal Light, through which we gain access to more spiritual wisdom. The first step to opening this channel of communication is through meditation. By becoming aware that we all have the potential for a more direct access to EL opens the door to direct dialogue. Once this connection is established there is the potential to directly use the inherent energy fields of EL to sustain and improve our lives.

Free Will as Potential Malware

The transfer of the accumulated spiritual wisdom from one incarnation to another is analogous to transferring software from one device to another. However, free will can become a form of malware that corrupts the software, causing a reduction in spiritual wisdom. Nevertheless, the transferred wisdom from past incarnations can never be totally corrupted and is protected from this possibility by the inner brain. Through meditation and communication, we can rid ourselves of the malware and go back to the spiritual default setting from our past life.

Interplanetary Migration

The individualized and immortal inner brain can migrate from planet to planet. This form of interplanetary travel is used by EL to boost the spiritual wisdom of more backward planets. We have witnessed this during the anthropological breakthroughs in human development from ape to Neanderthal to Cro Magnon. This facilitated the transition towards a more complex spiritual evolution, expressed in a deeper capacity for love, empathy and compassion. It rendered possible an advancement in moral and ethical practices and a capacity to reach beyond the basic quest for survival. In turn, it sparked an interest in searching beyond the immediate physical environment for answers to the true nature and purpose of our human life. Initially, it spawned belief in all-powerful deities, and subsequently to different forms of religious worship and practices.

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