spiritual wisdom and ignorance

Wisdom and Ignorance

The Concept of Good and Evil

   Good is an abstract concept that is broadly associated with compassion, charity, state of wellbeing, happiness, love, justice and equality. Evil is viewed as the opposite of Good and is often related to acts of harm and violence to others both physical and psychological. We tend to describe good individuals by their values and qualities such as kindness, selflessness, benevolence. On the other hand, evil is the exact opposite of such qualities and is manifested by cruelty, greed, selfishness and, in religious terms, as sin. In some belief systems evil is personified by such entities as Satan or Lucifer, who represent the epitome of evil. In general, the word evil can refer to anything that causes harm. In some religions it is tied to sin, which carries severe consequences in this life and the afterlife. Biblical references suggest that good and evil acts are either eternally rewarded or punished by a supreme being through some form of final judgement.

The Eternal Light Concept

    In the EL concept there is a fundamentally different interpretation of good and evil. Good and evil is entirely replaced by spiritual wisdom and ignorance. Spiritual wisdom is carried over to our current life from past lives in an encoded energy cell. It contains the spiritual DNA achieved in past lives. It provides us with the moral compass which informs our character and personality.

   Our goal in each life term is to reach a higher degree of love-driven morality and a more profound understanding of our union with Eternal Light. This constitutes spiritual wisdom. Each individual’s moral wisdom is tested by the ignorance encountered in the planetary environment at any particular historical juncture. This is manifested through such counter-productive behavior as fear, greed, materialism, lust, selfishness, anger, aggression, violence, discrimination, injustice, inequality. Spiritual ignorance is a lack of love-driven morality and understanding of the real nature, and purpose of human life.

  The 20th and 21st centuries greatest ignorance is manifested by materialism, which has led to a proliferation of untrammeled greed. The fact that so few control so much of the earth’s resources is unsustainable in the long run. Spiritual wisdom must eventually tip the balance to more justice and equality in every aspect of human life. Materialism contradicts our nature in a very significant sense. It undermines our connection to Eternal Light’s love-based essence. We are key players in EL’s plan whether we are consciously aware of this or not.

   The purpose of life is to progressively turn away from spiritual ignorance to wisdom over multiple life terms. This is eventually achievable through a continuous process of testing and retesting both as individuals and as a planetary society. This process can be enhanced during our lifetime through a conscious realization of our connection to EL. We also have the potential of establishing a direct and open communication and receive guidance.

   Spiritual ignorance results from a lack of understanding of our connection to EL. Eternal Light forms the intelligent nucleus of two energy fields that underpin all reality. From a planetary perspective, it is through cogent beings such as humans that EL expresses love. Opposing the designed purpose of our lives is spiritual ignorance promoted by those who seek allegiance by whatever means possible to sustain their influence and power.

   We are all equipped with an inherent ability to attune our lives to Eternal Light. It provides us with the potential to continually gain more spiritual wisdom throughout our lives. By transforming ourselves and embracing a moral path we can influence our societal circles to do the same. We are able to access the EL connection through various channels of communication – through significant dreams, intuitions, and meditations. There is a more direct path open to us, which is to make contact through some medium like the pendulum.

   The greatest spiritual wisdom is love, and the achievement of ever higher degrees of love, which eventually radiates out to encompass an ever-larger circle. The expression of love is the underlying purpose of all existence. Love is expressed through moral actions and deeds. When entering into a new term (rebirth) we are confronted with the existential wisdom and ignorance of a particular historic era. Succumbing to that ignorance undermines our love quotient with negative consequences to our lives and those to whom we are connected. The main purpose of each life is to overcome ignorance and develop more wisdom in the form of love-driven morality. This may require many lifetimes but we are guided by our encoded energy celI to use the gains made in past lives to progressively grow that wisdom.

   The transfer of the encoded spiritual wisdom from one life term to another can be viewed as analogous to software. It creates the program and operating information that drives our values, personality and character. However, the prevailing external ignorance continuously confronts and tests us. Our free will gives us the possibility to change the software code, sometimes with harmful consequences. As a result, the progress towards higher wisdom may deteriorate. We need to stop and take stock of our lives from time to time and reprogram our software to its default setting.

  Every individual develops some degree of spiritual wisdom in their lifetime. This wisdom is carried over to the next life term. It establishes the foundation of our spiritual DNA, which manifests itself in our daily lives through both thoughts and actions. It is the inherent carrier of our stored spiritual information. We put this DNA to use through empathy, sharing, consideration for the needs and feelings of others, caring, and selflessness.

   Born again in different historical time-frames we come equipped with the accumulated wisdom of our past lives. There are many examples of recent socio-political developments that should provide us with hope for the future. Some examples are the twentieth century success of the feminist movement, and the subsequent rise of more gender equality. Other developments in that vein are the European Union, which has created a harmonious coexistence between previously warring nations. The commitment to reverse the effects of climate change and move to more sustainable lifestyles is another morally positive step. Much ignorance still remains in every corner of the world as witnessed by the greed, materialism, corruption, vanity, pride, power struggles of individuals and nations. However, we have the inherent ability to succeed in moving to a higher plateau of love. Because of our time constricted viewpoint, progress appears to be too slow. In the larger scheme of things, we possess the necessary tools to evolve to a higher level of spiritual wisdom. This is the real purpose of human life.

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