Eternal Light Healing

Eternal Light Healing Potential

From slight to serious sickness, our response is to battle back to health using all the pharmaceutical and medical tools at our disposal. With the exception of hypochondriacs, nobody actively pretends or seeks to be ill, even if it involves nothing more serious than a headache or flu. Apart from drugs, our own biological system resists bacterial or viral invasions with antibodies and its immune system.

A huge, health-related industry allocates billions of dollars in research and development to discover new and better cures to existing health issues. High-tech equipment for analysis and medical procedures continuously enter the market. Nations spend an ever increasing part of their budget on health care that is beginning to exceed society’s capability to support financially. The net result of this technological progress can be seen in the increased life expectancies of nations with an advanced health care system connected to egalitarian access. On the average we have gained over twenty years of lifespan in the 20th century.

A recent demonstration of the advances in medicine has been evidenced by the quick response in finding a vaccine to the SARS CoV-2 virus which causes Covid-19. What normally took ten years to develop in previous pandemics was accomplished in one year. There have also been spectacular failures such as Thalidomide, which produced unfortunate, unforeseen consequences.

Pushing the Limits of Life

There is a belief that advances in medicine and drugs combined with better nutrition can push the life span even further. Statistics show that there are presently over 50,000 people in Japan that are over 100 years old. As we push the envelope of age, we may genuinely ask ourselves if immortality is eventually within reach. The belief that medical science will constantly churn out ever more sophisticated treatments, and drugs is almost taken for granted. Some of us even go as far as placing our bodies in cryogenic preservation units in the hope that we may be somehow resuscitated by future advances in medicine.

The Immortality of Our Lives

At the Inner Brain ( spiritual energy cell) level we are immortal. We continuously reincarnate to develop our spiritual wisdom within the limitations and challenges imposed by our planetary environment. Understanding this, leads to a more cogent relationship with Eternal Light, which is the source of all that is physically and mentally experienced. From this perspective, sickness can be sometimes induced by the Inner Brain to provide a break from our normal life. It can stimulate a review of our past, particularly on the degree of love that we developed over time. A valid measurement of this is to gauge the amount of unbiased justice and equality that we bring into every aspect of our life when dealing with others.

How Medicine is Enabled by Eternal Light

When seriously sick, fear of death may drive us to prayer and affirmative meditation to help us overcome or alleviate our illness. In the sick state, the Inner Brain gains a certain degree of prominence over the physical brain, and often stimulates a turning towards love and deeper spiritual connectivity. Using this path, increases the ability to make quicker progress to recovery. It offers the possibility to recognize the true purpose of our lives, which is to achieve a deeper understanding of our connection to Eternal Light and to become EL’s emissaries of love.

In the EL version of healing, all matter is made up of subatomic particles (elps) intelligently programmed to produces the desired end results. All medical drugs, and procedures used to alleviate or cure illness are “enabled” by the motion of elps that act at the molecular level to achieve healing. No drugs or medical procedures can be effective without this enabling factor.

Breakthroughs in Medicine Seen Through the EL Prism

Undoubtedly, we have made significant breakthroughs in medicine, and this is one of our most significant accomplishments. The EL ”enabling” factor follows a logical path that allows past discoveries to act as foundations for new innovations. However in the EL version, the combination of atoms and molecules in drugs depends on intelligent programming at the sub-atomic level to produce specific results. The same holds true for surgical procedures, which require cellular action to complete the healing. The healing is enabled by EL. The same drugs and surgical procedures that are successful in certain cases, fail in others.

There may be logical explanations for a lack of success through drug use based on other connected pathogens or environmental factors. However, in many cases there is no viable explanation for failure. On the other hand, there are many recorded instances of people overcoming their illness through a positive mind set, prayer, and paranormal interventions.

Valid Conventional Healing Solutions

From the EL perspective, the current allopathic medicine, and its predecessors like heroic medicine, homeopathic medicine, and various paranormal practices are interim solutions. What awaits is the discovery and use of a more direct path for self-healing. By understanding that everything is made possible by the intelligent movement of subatomic Eternal Light particles, we can arrive at the control center for all healing. We will be able to then heal ourselves, or be healed by those who have made the connection to EL. The path to achieve this inherent ability is through meditation and potentially direct communication through a medium like the pendulum.

The time frame in reaching this stage is not predictable because of the free will variant, but it will take place on a larger scale at some time in the future. In the meantime, for the population at large, there is every reason to maintain trust in the “enabled”, conventional medicine practiced today, making this our first stop for healing. Eternal Light healing is to be viewed as something that we are capable of attaining in the future as more individuals become aware of their inherent potential for healing.

Paranormal Healing Alternatives

There undoubtedly are sincere and honest paranormal healers who use their abilities without being able to accurately define the source of their healing powers. They often ascribed them to mysterious, mythical sources. However, such exceptional powers can also be attributed to the “enabling” factor of EL, which throughout history pointed in the direction of a greater human potential. They are described as shamanic supernatural abilities, spiritually- driven miracles, and various forms of energy healing. Such unconventional claims and practices should always be approached with a good dose of skepticism, but not entirely excluded. In many cases, they are just another interim solution to healing pain and suffering.

What is generally referred to as paranormal healing is sometimes performed with exaggerated physical manifestations that are more dramatic then effective. They are often confined to members within the same belief system. Healing events seen on TV or other media are often led by self-interested religious leaders. At times, they are more intent on adding new members to their flock of believers in order to gain access to their money. It is also likely that some of these events are staged to give a dishonest impression of healing that can be easily debunked.

We should be skeptical of purported spiritual healings that bear price tags or require a specific affiliation of any kind. This holds true for those offering secret elixirs, and unproven drugs and medical procedures.

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