reincarnation and immortality

The Immortality of Life

The duration of our life is controlled by the inner brain, which continuously measures our spiritual evolution or/and our ability to influence and enhance the wisdom of others. This is a complex metric that seems to be contradicted by many noteworthy historical figures who embarked on a path of abominable cruelty and destruction. Why did their inner brains not shut down their lives at an early stage and reduce the human suffering, death, and genocides that resulted from their depraved minds? Perhaps, there is a more profound lesson to be learned here.

Deeper Implication of Death

   We must remember that life in its pure essence, as the IB energy cell, is immortal. When we die, it is simply transferred to a passive state to be reincarnated in a more spiritually opportune time in the future. Deaths caused by major sociopolitical upheavals serve as lessons to succeeding generations to embrace a higher moral ground. This is how spiritual progress evolves and potentially provides a more compassionate society for individuals tested in the future.

   It is not a question of becoming insensitive to death and suffering, just more aware of its deeper implications. Those who suffer indignities at the hands of callous oppressors teach us how power should not be wielded. We can choose leaders who are driven by more enlightened principles of selflessly helping to create more egalitarian, and just societies.

Dealing with Imminent Death

   We are seeing a very strong demographic shift in the population of the world. which will see the number of seniors increasing dramatically in the first half of the 21st century. This will put substantial pressure on the health care system in countries where the costs are already a very significant percentage of the gross domestic product. In response, some countries are permitting euthanasia or medically assisted end-of-life procedures.

   Families of aging relatives who are facing imminent death are faced with making soul-searching decisions on artificial resuscitation. This is true even in cases where the dying person may have left specific instructions on how they wish their family to act in these situations. With today’s powerful medical technology, it is possible to measure the brain damage that a resuscitated person may be subjected to and the impact to their quality of life.

   There are two counterintuitive factors at play here. First, that life is immortal and the dying person is simply being transported to another term in the future. Secondly, that the hour of death is determined by the person’s inner brain, which is connected to Eternal Light and weighs the benefit that prolonging life may have on the individual and their family.  From this perspective, if the person is deemed to be better off spiritually in the next reincarnation then no amount of medical intervention will succeed. Conversely, if they recover but are mentally or physically impaired, then the family’s capacity for love will be tested. End-of-life experiences and decisions present an opportunity for spiritual growth. At the very least, all decisions should be free of any selfish biases.

Ceding Our Places to Others

   As medicine continues its inexorable path to improve the quality of life, the possibility of living ever longer seems to be temptingly within reach. However, knowing the true purpose of life we should eventually come to comprehend its multi-term nature. This will allow us to knowingly and willingly cede our place to others, who also need to be retested. The key to the life, death, rebirth cycle is the transference of spiritual wisdom from one term to the next. We can always count on having another chance to evolve to a higher level of wisdom in a future term.

By moving to a future term after death, we will encounter a more evolved spiritual environment that will boost our ability to grow. Living ever longer has been a human quest since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, this has always been placed in the limiting context of a single life term. We need to expand our horizons.

Fear of Death

   The threat of inevitable death causes great inner consternation and contributes to the degree of our suffering. This is particularly true when the end appears to be near. We allow fear and negative emotions to take over, not realizing that there is no end to life in its essence. To overcome this apocalyptic vision and its suffocating terror, meditation is the first step to calm our emotions and provide some semblance of inner peace.

   One of the major reasons for fearing death is the separation from loved ones, which it causes. However, we are tested through multiple reincarnations with many members of the same family. This reunification helps us to achieve greater wisdom because it reconnects us with the love of family members from our past terms.

Spiritual Audit

   We are reincarnated to develop more wisdom. Nevertheless, our free will may be influenced by external factors that drive us away from that path. The inner brain signals this to us through the physical body as manifested by sickness and the possibility of dying. When we move to this physically and mentally weakened state it often prompts us to reflect on our lives and relationships with others. It triggers an audit of our spiritual wisdom, which is tied to love and developing a conscious connection to Eternal Light.

   This self-evaluation may lead to a progressive reversal of our negative behavior as exemplified by anger, violence, pride, prejudice, intolerance, vanity, arrogance, and excessive materialism. Even small ailments sometimes initiate reflection on the meaning of our life. By becoming more aware of our inner brain when practicing some form of meditation, we can boost our spiritual insight.

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